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TJCraft Ranks

Here is a list of all the ranks on TJCraft including donator and unobtainable ranks.


Guest Is the rank you will get on first join of the server.


Citizen is gained after the player has been online the server for 30 mins.


Member rank is the next rank up from Citizen after 1 day of ontime.


Member+ is the second to last of the ranks gained by ontime. Member+ is gained after 1 day and 9 hours of ontime.


Veteran Is the last rank able to be earned by ontime. It is gained after 2 days of ontime.

On-time Ranks

Rewarded Ranks


Noble is awarded to those who are of cause noble, helpful and kind to other players.



YouTube rank is rewarded to people who have promoted TJCraft through a youtube video that has been approved by the Owner or Co-Owner.


Helper is awarded to players who have allready been noble and are getting an official rank for helping other players.

Donator Ranks


£5.00 | $7.61


   £15.00 | $23.34


£25.00 | $38.90


     £40.00 | $62.3


                               £75.00 | $116.69

Staff Ranks


Moderator is a rank that is only obtainable by people who have been selected by the Owner and Co-Owner who are trusted, and experienced on TJCraft. 


Admin is a rank that is only obtainable by people who have been selected by the Owner and Co-Owner who are trusted, and experienced on TJCraft. 


Co-Owner is an unobtainable rank that only ttilley21 will ever have.


Owner is an unobtainable rank that only Joeharry2000 will ever have.


Server is an unobtainable rank that only Luke_H_H will ever have.

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